Monday, December 7, 2009

December Update

Every time I sit down to blog, I feel like I am entering a confessional, "Forgive me, it has been ___ weeks since my last blog" So many things are happening with education here in Malawi, my days turn into weeks, my weeks turn into is a whirlwind of activity!
Today is "Back to School" in Mgwyai Village. Of course, it is was so fun to see all of the eager little learners all lined up and ready to start when we arrived this morning. Many of the children have passed up to the next grade level, but everyone seemed to know where to go and what to do and school went on without a hitch! We also welcomed 21 new Reception (Kindergarten) students today!
On the secondary school front, we interviewed and hired a Head Master last week and will interview for the rest of the positions this week. Classes will start on January 4, 2010 with 30 Form I (Freshman) COTN kids. Classes will take place in a temporary classroom while construction of our permanent structure takes place. When I think about everything that has to get done, I feel overwhelmed. However, I am learning to take things one day at a time...I know it will all work out.
Last week I was excitedly talking about the secondary school plans with a couple of friends and I exclaimed, "Who needs Oprah? Who needs Madonna?" Then I wrote my proposal and budget and realized...maybe I do! The good news is that I serve a God who is much bigger than Oprah and much bigger than Madonna, and He knows where every brick, every book, and every piece of chalk is going to come from.
The past school holiday was also filled with a flurry of activity in all of our homes! I designed English and Math projects for the students to complete (to prevent boredom...ha!) over the course of the 2 month break. Of course, I also turned it into a competition...bribery is the best motivator for all teenagers! The kids wrote stories and plays, completed a novel and did a report, and they solved (yes, they counted!) 400 math problems. I spent last week collecting the projects, watching performances, and making good on my bribe. I walked away feeling so proud! They completed their work and produced some amazing and creative projects!
The projects also gave me the opportunity to build relationships with the older kids. They have learned to trust me and are opening up more. Unlike the little ones who run into my arms with all the trust in the world, the teenagers are a little harder to crack. I am loving getting to know them and learn about their goals, talents and passions.
On a personal level, I am continuing to walk day by day in complete faith and dependence on my God who has called me here. Though my condo is not yet rented, and my savings is fading away, I am learning to look at the bigger picture and appreciate my calling. I am thankful that I have a savings account. I am thankful that He has brought me here and has given me perspective on my place in the world. I am thankful that small blessings continue to pour in, daily, at just the right time. I am thankful for a strong and healthy body that is able to serve. I am thankful for the friends I have met in Malawi and the lifelong relationships that are forming. I am thankful that I have a safe and comfortable place to sleep at night. I am thankful that my supporters believe in me enough to faithfully sacrifice their money each month so that I may be here. But most of all, I am thankful for a deeper understanding of my God who has met me in my darkest hours. I have been broken, I have been transformed, and I am being restored.
I have also fallen in love. Malawi has made a home in my heart, and I will never be the same. I recently read in a book that it is the broken pieces of glass and stone that make the beautiful mosaic. This mosaic is still under construction; one piece at a time. I will return to you a different Annie, an Annie that has been broken and put back together. A more beautiful Annie than ever before.
Until next time...May your holidays be filled with peace, love and happiness. May you take the time to count your blessings, and may you know that you are loved.